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Trainings and tutorials
  • Quaderns Virtuals: aprenentatge i avaluació en xarxa (D82)

    The Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia has prepared, within the Pla de Formació Permanent del Professorat, an on-line training of 60 hours about Quaderns Virtuals. The purpose is, fundamentally, to know the use of the tools that Quaderns Virtuals offer and which allow the creation of didactic activities and of evaluation. The students registered in the course have the assessment of the tutor, to whom they will have to send the exercises and final project to obtain the corresponding certificate of course achievement. For this reason there are some references to tutor and the exercises of the materials.
    The complete training consists of 8 units where the basic functions of the tools of QV are explained and a set of practices and exercises are suggested.

    These training materials are published at this Wiki.