Module 1
The Creation of Educational Activities using JClic
Practice session
Creating a new project
The objective of this practice session is to begin working with JClic author by initiating and configurating a new project, which is the first step towards creating new projects..



Start up JClic author, from the icon or from Start | Programmes | JClic | JClic author. If this icon still hasn´t appeared or you have accidently erased it, follow the procedure which you saw in the previous practice session: start up the applications manager for Java WebStart, go to the menu See - Downloaded Applications, select the icon JClic author and activate the menu Application - Create Direct Access (shortcuts or abbreviated methods depending on the version).

Go to the menu File | New Project , and in the window creation of New Project JClic fill in the box Name of Project writing module1 (all together).

You can see that where it says Name of File the same name has automatically appeared and the project has also been assigned to a folder, in this case C:\Programme Files\JClic\projects\module1 in Windows, or $home/JClic/projects/module1 in other systems. Leave the name of the file and folder just as the programme suggests.

Confirm with OK.

Now you have created a new project, fill in some more details before beginning to create activities.

Click on the tab Project.

To unfold and use each of the sections, click on the arrow to the left.
If you wish to close again any of the sections click on the arrow which is now pointing down.

In the section Description of this tab, write the Title of the Project and the Description. It will look like this:

To fill in the section Creation with your personal information you must click on the button which is found under the box Author/s, fill in the data you feel is necessary in the window Add an author to the list and confirm with OK.

At the moment you are only practicing but when you make up a project there may be more than one author. If this is the case, you can add the personal information of each person one by one and they will appear on the list.

Under each box there is a group of buttons:

with these buttons you can add, erase and modify the elements on the lists.

Add a new element to the list
If you click on this button a window will open which will be different depending on what it is related to (author, centre or revisions), where you can fill in the necessary information.

Eliminate the selected element from the list

Modify the selected element
This opens the window with the information so as you can modify it.

Move the selected element up or down

In the same way that you have introduced your personal information you can, if you wish, put that of your centre.

At the moment the menu Descriptors will be left empty.

Finally make sure that in the menu User Interface, Sound of event is marked and choose the skin @simple.xml.

Save the project with the menu File | Save... and when the window opens confirm with Save. The project will be saved under the name

You have created a new project, but it is still empty... there are no activities.In the next practice session you will add an activity to this project.
