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Installation of the Java runtime

JClic is an application made with Java. Java is a development tool that allows the creation of applications that can work in different types of computers, operating systems and browsers. To create them, a special software called Java virtual machine has to be installed on the computer. JClic needs a Java virtual machine version 1.7 or later.

When created, the activities can be exported to HTML5 to be played on any device (computer, tablet, smartphone...) with a modern web browser. Java is only needed for creating and modifying activities.

In order to install Java on your system visit https://java.com, click on the red button and follow the directions.

In Windows environments there two versions of Java: the "regular" one with a 32-bit architecture, identified as "x86", and the "special" one that makes use of 64-bit features, identified as "x86_64". You can have both variants installed together.

In order to check what versions of Java are installed on your computer launch Control Panel, click on the Java icon, select the Java tab and click on View.... Here you will find a column labeled "Architecture". If you have at least one "x86" no more steps are required. If you have only "x86_64" variants, add also the 32-bit variant from this page.


Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya