News about Clic
JClic project
The new Java version of Clic starts with an applet that allows running activities on-line, embedded on web pages, and from different types of computers, operating systems and browsers. Visit the JClic project pages to find examples and information about the objectives, the new features and the applications on which we are working.
New packages of activities
In this section we will present new additions to "the Clic corner". For a detailed description of the packages of activities, click on the titles.
- Phonetics
Package of activities about English phonetics, by Joan Barrés.
- Funciones
Package of activities about math functions for secondary school, by Valle Mayoral.
- El pollito Chiqui
Ana Royo and Ana González are the authors of this package of activities based on the story Ayuda, mamá, ayuda.
- Comparatives and superlatives
Activities about comparatives and superlatives of some English adjectives, by Christine Irvin.
- Geography in English
Geography of Europe, North America and the United Kingdom, by Crisanto Carrera.
- Aprender a leer
Andrea Carolina González has created this application for learning to read in Spanish. The package contains exercises about the consonants L, M, S, T, P and N.
- La célula
The aim of this package is to understand the structure and functions of the cells.
- Sèries numèriques senzilles
Toni Miquel presents us a second activity about mathematical series. This time we will practice mental arithmetic at lower difficulty level. In the package we can choose series with numbers from 1 to 20 or from 1 to 100.
- Vamos a leer
A reading package by José Pedro Roda with lists of words containing the consonants: p, s, l, m, t, n, d, ll, b/v, ñ, c/q, f, r/rr, ch.
- Estimulación del lenguaje
Another activity by José Pedro Roda: this about language stimulation with quizzes.
- The animal
Activities by Vicente Ferrer about the names of animals in English, with activities of association, puzzles and text.
- English adjectives
Exercises about some English adjectives and their antonyms, by Andreu Cardo.
- Orden alfabético
Package about the alphabetical order in Spanish, with a structure of increasing difficulty, by Aurelio Salvador It can be used in primary school and secondary school.
- Síl.labes, tonificació i accentuació
Compilation of orthographic rules and activities for the learning of Catalan, by Neus Pascual.
- Los Ordenadores
Sergio Blanché, from Uruguay, has made this package about computers: software, hardware, types of memory, peripherals and storage units.
- Otsoa eta Azeria
These Basque activities, made by César Martínez, are based on the pedagogical system Amarca Berri. We learn different aspects like understanding, spelling, writing ... from a story.
- What are they doing?
English activities by Francisco José Sánchez about the affirmative form of present continuous.
- Salut le compains
Another package of French activities, by Llanos Navalón.
- Abecedario, Prefijos, Actividades de lenguaje para EP, Sinónimos y antónimos
Collection of six packages for learning Spanish at primary school, created by Rafael Rodrígez Martín.
- El conte
Package based on the Bordils' kindergarten school project, with drawings made by children.
- Temps de temps: L'Atmosfera
First package of a collection about meteorology, by Josep Anton Solano. This is about the atmosphere and its properties.
- Els ocells del pati
With these activities Jesús Chivite helps us to know all about the birds.
- Pasatiempos matemáticos 1
Package by José Luis Oliván, with math quizzes for primary school.
- Zatiak (Partes) and Berdinak (Iguales)
Two packages of activities by Blanca Besga and Ana Mª Álvarez, in two versions each: Spanish and Basque. The activities are about to match two parts of a drawing, and to identify similar cells.
- La Biblia
The objective of this package, made by David González, is to know the origins and the structure of the Bible.
- El mundo de las plantas
Activities about botany, created by Miguel Modrego.
- El Euro
Pilar Suárez has made this package about the new European currency and the countries that use it.
- Castelldefels
Activities about Castelldefels, a town near Barcelona.
- Twelve adjectives
Package made by the "Grupotrés" team, from Lorca (Murcia, Spain), about 12 adjectives in English and their antonyms.
- Educación para la solidaridad
Moncho Marín has made this application based on the magazine Jatun Sunqu "Corazón Grande".
- Las Algas
With this package made by Llanos Navalón we can know the parts, the morphology and the place where the algae grow in the Mediterranean Sea.
- Ortografía
This package by Reinaldo Carrascosa allows us to do a review of some of the Spanish orthographic rules.
- Abecedari
Package where children can learn the alphabet, by Mª Jesús Conangla.
- Ven a leer III
Third package of the "Ven a leer" collection, by José Franco Benítez. This one is about the letters cq, f, rr, r, ch, y, z, g, j, x and k.
- Inversas
Another application by José Franco Benítez, about how to read and write different syllables: AS, AR, AN, AL, AM, AP and AC.
- Els llops de mar
With this package Josep Planas approaches us to the sea, the ships, and the navigation.
- El aire que nos envuelve
Activities by Juan Antonio Arizcun about the air the atmosphere, the respiration, how can fly a balloon...
- Separar i comptar síl.labes
Catalan package made by Enric Peiris about the separation of syllables, digraphs and hiatuses.
- Musicón
Damià Llorenç has made this package of activities for primary school where children can learn and play with music.
- Deportes
Spanish activities by Clementina Bargalló, Pedro Otero and Antonio Blasco about sports.
- Umeen Eskubideak
César Martínez has created these activities based on the UNICEF's program La voz de los niños.
- Mamíferos, Réptiles, Anfibios, Aves e Peixes
Xosé Antón Vicente offers us this Galician package of activities about the animals.
- Palabras, sílabas y acentuación
Activities about the separation of syllables and accentuation in Spanish, by Juan Antonio Vacas.
- Seres vivos y microorganismos
Package made by Rosa Ana Santiago about the stages of life and the microorganisms.
- Fem problemes del Quinzet amb la Formiga Matemàtica
Math problems based on the Catalan book "El quinzet", by "the math ant".
- La Acentuación
Another package about accentuation in Spanish, made by Manuel Catalán.
- Las Mayúsculas
This package, created by Gerardo Valero, is about the use of capital letters in Spanish.
- Grupo CL
Ana María Janer has made this activity about the use of the letters CL in Spanish.
- Inglés 4º EP
English activities by Domingo Méndez, about the use of the modal verb "can/can't".
- Sonidos de animales
Package about auditive discrimination using sounds of the animals, made by Carlos Gutiérrez.
- Nina la gallina
Activities by Silvia Arriaga and Delia Elda Martínez, from Mexico, based on the tale Nina la gallina. The activities are about the numbers from 1 to 9.
- Ga-go-gu and Vamos a leer - 2
Claudia Lovrincevich, Elisabeth Castillo and Marisa Fernández are the authors of these two packages of Spanish activities for kindergarten and primary school.
- La Diabetis tipus I "Complicacions agudes, Insulina, Exercici Físic"
Second package of activities about diabetes, made by the Hospital General de Manresa educational team.
- Mira quins quadres
Dina Abizanda surprises us again with another excellent package of activities where we can enjoy the pictures of Miró, Picasso, Van Gogh, Klee, Matisse and Léger.
In addition to these new packages of activities in "the Clic corner", the following adaptations of existing packages are available:
- Catalan:
Els Oficis (new version with corrections), As partes do ordenador (new version with corrections), La música i l'ordinador (new version with corrections), Besalú (new version with corrections)
- Spanish:
Ordena, Sombras, Formas, Diferentes, Palabras, La vida en la Edad Media: Los Monasterios, Sílabas, Mayúsculas y minúsculas, 48 cosas de clase,
Dichos, Trabajando el Euro en Primer Ciclo, Los rincones de clase, Los Oficios, La cocina, El Sistema Solar, Material y operaciones de un laboratorio químico, Acentuación, Dinosaurios, Pienso en el peso, Series numéricas, Jeroglíficos matemáticos, Fichas escondidas, Tectónica de placas, La diabetes tipo I "Complicaciones agudas, Insulina, Ejercicio Físico".
- Galician:
A criba de Eratóstenes, Euro ¿qué é iso?,
O conto dos números, Hixiene dental, Polgarciño, Cadrados de 10 e triángulos de 15, Observación, lóxica e razoamiento, Secuencias lóxicas, Vivimos nunha casa, Contemos, Pesa pensando, Xeroglíficos matemáticos, Series numéricas, Reixiñas matemáticas, Encrucillados numéricos, Microbio, O entroido dos animais, Tipos de oracións, Os determinantes, Euros 2002.
- Basque:
Bat, bi, zero, Matematikarekin jolastuko dugu, Biderkatzeko taulak birpasatuko ditugu, Erpurutxo, Formak, Koloreak, Zer Ordu da?, Erregearen zaldia, 10eko karratuak eta 15eko triangeluak, Orffen perkusio-musikatresnak, Carraioak, Sukalde, Hizki sopak, Klaseko Gauzak, Eratostenesen Bahea.