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How providing the library with workbooks?

The Library of Quaderns Virtuals is at present in development and expects to grow day by day thanks to the workbooks which teachers send uninterestedly favoring the exchange and re-exploitation of educational materials. To include a workbook you have created in the library you can send it compressed to qv@xtec.net, indicating the following information in the message:

  • Title of workbook
  • Educational level and area
  • Authors names , email, educational center and country
  • A brief description of the contents, to include it on the web page
  • The appearance to be used to view the workbook (by default it will be the standard)
  • The terms of use you want to give to your work. The recommended option is Creative Commons license of the type Reconocimiento - No Comercial - Compartir Igual, that is suggested as standard for all workbooks. If you want to use another kind of license, indicate it in the message.

The editor of Quaderns Virtuals allows users to pack every workbook in a ZIP file by clicking under the diskette icon, , on the initial screen of the editor.

If the ZIP file is bigger than 10MB please upoload it to a cloud repostory like Dropbox or GoogleDrive, or upload it to a web server and write to us indicating how to download it. This is because our mail server does not accept messages that surpass this size.

The graphic, textual or sound materials used in workbooks have to be of free distribution or to have the copyright. In any case, if you use materials orginal from some publication, the origin has to be quoted in the first page of the workbook aand in the description.

Thank you very much for your participation!