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Forum and news bulletin

There are two mailing lists related to the Clic project: ClicNews and ClicForum. There are other lists, more technical, in the development project of JClic.

IMPORTANT: The ClicNews bulletin is also posted  to the ClicForum list, so you needn�t subscribe to both. The main difference is that ClicForum is open to the participation of all the users (more traffic of messages), and ClicNews sends no more than one message per week.

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ClicNews is a multilingual bulletin where you can read news related to Clic: publication of new packages of activities on our website, new versions of the programme, publication of CD-ROMs, etc.

To subscribe to ClicNews:

To read the bulletins published until now::
ClicNews files


ClicForum is a multilingual mailing list, open to the participation of all the users of the programme. You can ask questions,  write suggestions about Clic and  contribute ideas . Due to security reasons the list does not allow you to attach files to the messages, but we have a file zone in the server "e-listas" where we can exchange materials and work on co-operative projects.

To subscribe to ClicForum:

To read the messages posted to the list until now:

Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya